Emergency measures
Due to its geographical location, Vaudreuil-Dorion is not immune to disasters. It is therefore important to be fully prepared to deal with possible emergencies or natural disasters.
How should you prepare?
The City has developed a comprehensive emergency response plan to ensure the immediate safety and security of the public in all potential situations, such as a railway accident or a spill of hazardous materials.
For your part, you should implement measures to protect yourself in the event of a disaster, such as flooding, long power outages, high winds, earthquakes, snowstorms and ice storms, and major fires.
The website of the Ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec is full of relevant prevention tips.
Personal emergency plan
Prepare a personal emergency plan that will save time and reduce stress in an emergency.
Important considerations:
- Contact info in case of emergency
- Emergency exits for each room
- Places to meet up in the event of evacuation
- A route to leave your home and go to a safe place
- A place to house your pets
- Health and insurance information
For more information, consult the Government of Canada's Emergency Preparedness Guide.
72-Hour Emergency Kit
In the event of a local disaster, the authorities advise being ready to survive the first 72 hours, since rescue teams may take some time to come to your assistance. In such an emergency, you will need some essential items. You may need to get by without power and running water.
You probably possess some of the necessary items, such as a flashlight, first aid kit and candles, but would you be able to find them in the dark?
The important thing is to store your materials to find them quickly.
Your 72-hour kit should be transported easily. Keep it in a backpack or suitcase with wheels in an easily accessible location and make sure all members of your family know where to find it.
Some essential items for the kit:
Drinking water
Non-perishable food
Manual can-opener
Flashlight with spare batteries
First aid kit
Personal hygiene articles
Important family documents (passports, copy of birth certificates, etc.)
Copy of your emergency plan
The Get Prepared website suggests a list of items to include in your 72-hour kit.
An emergency preparedness kit for your vehicle can also be very useful.
Recommended items for the kit:
Non-perishable food
Flash light
Road map
Windscreen washer
Jumper cables
Shovel and scraper
Check out the complete lists of emergency kits for your home and vehicle prepared by the Red Cross, and assemble yours right now.
Downloadable resources and websites of interest
In the event of flooding
Vigilance Platform of the ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec (monitoring of water levels)
Ministère de la Sécurité du Québec (Flooding)
How to build a dike with sandbags
Conseils de sécurité en cas d'inondation pour les utilisateurs de propane (In French)
Que doit-on faire après des pluies abondantes ou des inondations? (In French)