Public Works

Although the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion maintains its infrastructure on an ongoing basis, traffic can be impeded by work or events. Every effort is made to reduce the impact on pedestrians, cyclists, residents and motorists.

Road Work

Here you will find a list of road work projects under way so that you can change your usual route if need be. You'll also be informed about projects coming up in the next few months.

Note that dates are subject to change, as project schedules may be affected by factors such as weather.

If you have any questions about the work in progress, please contact the Engineering and Environment Department by e-mail.

Sporadic work

This section reports on sporadic obstructions on the territory.

Rue des Loisirs 

As part of the work to rehabilitate the aqueduct and sewer systems and the road surface on rue des Loisirs, a complete closure of the street is necessary, except for local traffic.

Parking on rue des Loisirs will be prohibited in the work zone. The section of rue des Loisirs that will be closed will vary according to the progress and type of work.

Work will start on July 2 on the Avenue Saint-Charles side and move to Rue Galt, for a duration of approximately 10 weeks. During the first two weeks, traffic will be slowed down at the intersection with avenue Saint-Charles.

For safety reasons, the water features on rue des Loisirs will be accessible only from rue Galt, using the sidewalk between 153 and 163 rue Galt.

Phase 1 des travaux : 

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Totalité des travaux : 

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Redevelopment of route De Lotbinière

Reconstruction work on route De Lotbinière, between Route Harwood and Avenue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, will start on August 5. The road will be closed in sections, depending on the progress of the work, and detours will be set up via neighbouring streets. Work will start at the intersection of rue Chicoine and progress towards avenue Saint-Jean-Baptiste until December 4.

A complete closure of several days is also planned on avenue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, between route de Lotbinière and rue Melville.

The work will include work on infrastructure, municipal services and paving, as well as the installation of sidewalks, bike lanes, vegetated strips, trees and street lighting.

Duration of work: August 5 to December 4, 2024

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Rue Dutrisac

Rue Dutrisac will be completely closed to traffic between avenue Saint-Charles and rue du Gouverneur, as part of the work to relocate the Dutrisac pumping station.

Duration of closure: August 19 to November 15, 2024

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Route Harwood

Harwood Road will be completely closed to traffic near 2720 Harwood Road, as part of the rehabilitation of a culvert.

Duration of closure: September 3 to 25, 2024

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There will be construction work in the Lake of Two Mountains and Vaudreuil Bay, in the area of the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge, throughout the summer season.

When boating near the construction site, please :

  • Reduce boat speed (wave-free zone)
  • Stay within the navigation channel marked by buoys.
  • Pay attention to the marine signs in place
  • Avoid approaching construction barges
  • Be courteous to workers and other boaters

Bike paths and pedestrian areas

 As part of the implementation of the bike path master plan, the following will be completed during the 2024 summer season:

  • New off-road multi-purpose path along Rue Chicoine and Rue Chenonceau.
  • Phase 2 of the multi-purpose path located along the back lots in the Floralies sector, from Rue des Pivoines to Des Perce-Neige Park.
  • In order to ensure a continuous pedestrian link north of Boulevard de la Gare, a sidewalk will be added between Rue du Manoir and the bus stop.

Other works: 

  • Note that the construction of the off-road multi-purpose path on Emile-Bouchard Street, between the Municipal Hub and Rue Édouard-Lalonde, which was planned for the summer of 2024, has been postponed to the summer of 2025, in order for an application for financial assistance to be submitted for this purpose.
  • A paved pathway will also be built between Rue des Sureaux and Rue des Oliviers.


  • Work on the redevelopment of route De Lotbinière, between boulevard Harwood and rue Saint Jean-Baptiste, will begin in early August. The work will make the area more user-friendly, with the addition of one-way bicycle paths, sidewalks, vegetated strips, trees and street lighting. The work will run until the end of 2024, continuing in spring 2025. With the current work on the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge and its impact on traffic in the area, the redevelopment of the Harwood Boulevard/Lotbinière Road intersection could be completed in the spring.

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  • The City continues to invest in the rehabilitation of its wastewater pumping stations. Work on the Bourget Station, located near the Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau school, will begin once the school year ends and should take approximately six weeks. It is expected to be completed before the next school year begins. Work on the Dutrisac Station, located near the intersection of Avenue SaintCharles, should begin in August and be carried out over a period of approximately 12 weeks.
  • Underground infrastructure work to connect the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital to the City’s water and sewer system was completed early this summer.
  • Design work for the new underground reservoir is still ongoing. The latter will be located on Boulevard de la Citédes-Jeunes, west of Route Harwood, and will eventually replace the Dorion Water Tower.
  • Work will be done on Rue des Loisirs during the summer to replace water and sewer pipes and to repair sidewalks, curbs and paving.
  • Reconstruction of a culvert on Harwood Road, south of Highway 40, is also expected to be completed towards the end of the summer over a period of approximately five weeks.


  • No work at the moment


  • Fire Station No. 11 – De Lotbinière: Reconstruction work on fire station no. 11 - De Lotbinière is now complete, with the exception of a few finishing touches (including the façade facing rue Saint-Joseph, where the wood will be affixed in the spring). The building has been operational since January 2024.
  • Municipal Hub: Construction work for Phase 1 of the Municipal Hub (library, town hall and public square) is progressing well. With the arrival of spring, construction work began on the outdoor public square. Civil engineering, lighting, street furniture, ground cover and planting work will take place until the fall. Where the building itself is concerned, interior finishing work will continue over the next few months. The building is expected to open to the public in early 2025. To follow the progress of the work, consult the Municipal Hub page of the website.
  • Last October, the town demolished the presbytery adjacent to the Opticentre St-Jean-Baptiste. The building could not be renovated due to its state of disrepair. The plan is for the land to remain as green space.


  • Development work on the Quatre-Saisons school park resumed at the end of March and will continue until the end of June.

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  • Work on the redevelopment of Bourget Park is scheduled for this fall. The redevelopment of the park includes work on the baseball field as well as the addition of a splash pad, lighting and street furniture.

Île-aux-Tourtes Bridge

For all information relating to the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge, residents are invited to visit the website of the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable. On this page, you'll find everything you need to know about the project, the obstacles associated with the work in progress, the various mitigation measures put in place, and the progress and highlights of the work to maintain the existing bridge and build the new one.

Information session

In winter 2024, you will be invited to an information session at which the main current and future interventions, impacts, mitigation and environmental protection measures will be presented. Stay tuned by visiting the project web page. You can also subscribe to the project newsletter on the same page.

Ice-breaking boat

As some materials have to be brought to the site by water, an ice-breaking boat will be used on the lac des Deux-Montagnes and in the baie de Vaudreuil. The boat will be in operation weekdays, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Depending on work and weather conditions, the schedule is subject to change.

These operations will have an impact on ice thickness. It is therefore advisable to check ice thickness before venturing out to fish or simply walk. Vigilance is essential.

Traffic obstruction and management

Between now and next spring, construction work on the new bridge will have little impact on the road network. To find out about current restrictions, consult, a practical tool to help you plan your trips.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ministry using the online form or by calling 511.

Projet Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges

Be on the lookout for work related to the construction of the future Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital.

Several road works will be required in the coming months in anticipation of the future hospital of Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Here is an overview of the upcoming work.

  • Several roadway improvements will take place from 2024 to 2026 on Boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes:
  • The addition of two traffic circles;
  • The addition of a multi-purpose track;
  • The construction of four lanes.

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Are you a neighbor of the future hospital?

Contact the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest (CISSSMO) to receive information about the construction work (special newsletter, invitation to information and discussion meetings with your neighbors). Send your e-mail to with the subject line "Neighbour of the future hospital".

Plan directeur des parcs et espaces verts

Adopted in the spring of 2019, the Parks and Green Spaces Master Plan, covering the period 2018-2025, is an essential tool for managers and elected officials to adequately plan investments in existing and future parks. It allows us to take stock of the various parks on the territory, including the recreational and sports facilities that are located there, and to follow their evolution and use by users.

As of today, where does the City stand on the implementation of this Master Plan?

  • Development of Pierre-Mercure Park: Begun in the fall of 2020, the development work
    Pierre Mercure Park is now complete. The design of this park has been thought out to suit both seniors and their grandchildren. Numerous play modules for children aged 0 to 12 have been introduced, as well as benches, rocking benches and picnic tables. In addition, the installation of awnings and free play areas will suit the needs of the various clienteles. The development was also designed to ensure access to the spaces and most of the park's equipment for people with reduced mobility (adapted picnic tables, adapted play module and sidewalks facilitating movement to the various play areas). In total, more than 80 trees have been planted within the park in order to create, in the long term, an important green space for the sector. The opening of this park allows young and old alike to fully enjoy a quality public space!
  • Redevelopment of Lorne-Worsley Park: Started in the summer of 2021, the development of Lorne-Worsley Lorne-Worsley Park is now complete. The work that has been done is as follows: repair of the parking area, installation of playground equipment and street furniture (shelters covering the players' benches, bike racks, play modules and decorative lighting). Due to supply issues, the following street furniture will be installed in spring 2023: benches and picnic tables. The addition of an exercise module within the dog park was also completed in the spring of 2022. Numerous trees were planted, as well as many shrubs and perennials to create a heavily vegetated environment for the area. 
  • Redevelopment of Quinchien Park: The installation of benches covering the daybands was done in the summer of 2022.
  • Redevelopment of Mallette and Pinault Parks: These parks were redeveloped in the summer of 2022. Street furniture (swings, bike racks, fountain) and new play modules were added. Due to supply issues, the following street furniture will be installed in the spring of 2023: benches, picnic tables and a rocking bench at Mallette Park.

Potholes to report?

Notice a pothole or potential hazard? You can report it in several ways: