Evening meeting with Émile Proulx-Cloutier

Evening meeting with Émile Proulx-Cloutier

February 22
7:30 p.m.

Émile Proulx-Cloutier graduated from the Conservatoire d'art dramatique de Montréal in 2006, and already has several years' experience in the artistic world, both in the theater - on stage and directing - and on the small and big screen - in front of and behind the camera.

He has appeared in several TV series, including Avant le crash, Les moments parfaits, Plan B, Faits divers, Boomerang, Sortez-moi de moi and Demain des hommes, as well as in numerous film productions, including L'Arracheuse de temps, Le déserteur, Mathusalem, L'Autre maison, Mont Foster, Nous sommes les autres and La Bolduc. He has also worked behind the camera on several occasions, directing short films and documentaries.

A singer-songwriter, he has two albums to his credit: Aimer les monstres, released in 2013 (from which his first book Le grillon et la luciole is drawn) and Marée haute, released in 2017.

With several awards and nominations to his credit in music and on screen, Émile has also appeared on stage in Ubu roi, Marie Stuart, Tout est encore possible, Musique inquiétante, Frères and La Bonne Âme du Se-Tchouan. He recently wrote and directed Grosse-Île: 1847 (in the words of those who lived it) and co-created Pas perdus: documentaires scéniques with Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette.

Hosted by Amélie Boivin-Handfield

  • For everyone
  • Free
  • Bar on site
  • No registration required

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