Environment: A new subsidy for the institutional, commercial and industrial sector (ICI)

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion is taking advantage of Earth Day to unveil its new environmental subsidy benefiting institutional, commercial and industrial (ICI) landowners for the first time ever. This financial assistance program will provide the incentive for these owners to add greenery to their properties through landscaping and planting vegetation, with the aim of reducing urban heat islands. This funding is also part of the City’s efforts to adapt to climate change.

The subsidy will cover up to 50% of the cost of purchasing plants, up to a maximum of $2,000. For 2024, up to five projects will receive funding through this program. Four types of greening projects are eligible: the development of small high density wooded areas, landscaping, green parking lots and tree planting.

"Heat islands are areas where the surface temperature is higher than the surrounding area due to the significant presence of mineralized environments and the absence of cooling elements. Roads, sidewalks, large parking lots and certain types of roofing contribute to these heat islands. The commercial, industrial and institutional sectors of our City are where the sharpest differences in temperature tend to occur compared to wooded neighbourhoods on a very hot day. I encourage ICIs to take advantage of this new subsidy to increase their vegetated surface area. Added to the efforts the City is already making to increase its urban canopy, the greening of these sectors will, over time, reduce the heat islands in these areas and improve the quality of life of the people who spend time there," explains Christine Ouimet, Director of the Engineering and Environment Department.

Before undertaking any planting work however, landowners are asked to contact the Environment Division to find out if they are eligible for the subsidy. Full details can be found on the City’s website.